So you might be about to start looking for a job, or maybe you found the perfect job, but you need to write your CV. And what about the personal statement? Understanding the importance of a CV is vital when it comes to writing a personal statement on your CV.
Your personal statement is the first thing on a CV and arguably the hardest bit to write. But don't worry as this guide will deconstruct exactly what is needed to make sure you have all the key information exactly where it needs to be.
This is the part of your CV where you get to stand out from the crowd, display your personality and be your own career hero! Here is all the key information your personal statement should have:
- Who you are
- What you offer
- What career or job you are looking for
Be positive and concise as you won't have a lot of room to play with. This is your storyboard to take the recruiter, hiring manager or new manager on a journey into your world. Make it as engaging as you can; you want them all to remember you.
Here are the top four tips for writing the personal statement in your CV:
First things first
This is about you, start there! A brief introduction into you for example 'I am a Senior Design Engineer with 14 years' experience' or maybe 'I am a Senior Authorised Person for 11KV and 33KV registered on multiple networks'
What are you looking for?
'I am looking to progress the career ladder; my next job will be…'
Be specific
Writing a great one size fits all personal statement is never the right thing to do. You should write a new personal statement for every job you apply for. Especially if you know the hiring manager
Sell yourself – Get your keywords in early. Tell your future boss exactly what you are and what you can do for them. 'In the last 3 years I have launched a new sales team of 6 people, over that time the I have guided the team to sales in excess of £20m'
We know writing a CV can be daunting, which is why have broken down some of the main elements for you in these really easy to understand top tips which can all be found in our Candidate Insights: