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Skills Shortages Set to Increase for Engineering & IT

3 mins

In the latest STEM skills report issued by the UK Commission for Employment & Skills, IT...

In the latest STEM skills report issued by the UK Commission for Employment & Skills, IT and Engineering Professionals are expected to be those most in demand over the next 7 years.

The report discusses the challenges presented to employers by increasing STEM skills shortages.  Some of the key findings;

  • Prevalence of shortages likely to be highest within Engineering
  • 60% of Engineering vacancies hard to fill due to skills shortages
  • 40% of IT vacancies hard to fill due to skills shortages
  • Service-based vacancies likely to offer best prospects for job growth
  • Programmers and Software Developers are expected to be most in demand

From our experience recruiting into skills shortage areas, this increasing problem is not just limited to the UK but across the globe.  We are constantly working with employers to find ways to overcome these challenges and attract the right people to drive business growth.  If you need advice on the strategies you can contact one of our advisers.

You can view the UKCES report here.