At Amoria Bond, we encourage all our recruiters to embrace a “mindset of success” in their work. This technique is transferable to any career or life goal, so whether or not you’re interested in a career in recruitment, you can benefit from adopting this mindset in your everyday life.
Working in recruitment, you quickly become familiar with something known as “The Recruitment Rollercoaster”. In this tough job, there will inevitably be pitfalls – tough times when things won’t go right for you; agreements will fall through, candidates will change their minds at the last minute. When you’re on a streak, you can be soaring, but you always need to be prepared for that rollercoaster to dip – there are no guarantees that the next week or month will be as successful as the last.
It’s why recruitment is a challenging career, and we can’t hide that from anyone. We can’t say that every day will be a success, that every placement will be smooth, that things won’t come crashing down, even when you do everything right because that’s just not the reality.
The reality is that we’re a people business, and people can change their minds at any stage of the process. We can do everything right: take a great job spec, impress our client, recruit great talent, make the match, manage the process, negotiate a great deal for all parties, secure a great offer, get everything agreed, and then at the last minute the candidate can still say “I’ve changed my mind, I’m staying where I am.”
It’s a very bitter pill to swallow and can make this seem like an unfair industry to build a career in. Which is why it’s so important to remember that for every dip on the recruitment rollercoaster, there’s another rise on the way.
You have to have the right mindset to see yourself through the challenges.
What is the mindset for success?
Having a mindset for success is vital to prepare and overcome the challenges of the job, but it is by no means the secret to winning every deal. Those challenges and disappointments are not going to go away, but accepting that and being ready for them will help you deal with them and push on to the next opportunity.
Preparing for disappointment and making contingency plans to minimise the impact of your pitfalls will be more beneficial to you than focusing all your energy on a single, short term win. And you’ll find that the more you embrace the mindset, the more opportunities for success you can find.
The best thing about developing the mindset for success is that it’s universal – having an attitude that will help you prepare for knock-backs, overcome disappointment and look ahead to future accomplishments is a skill that can be applicable beyond recruitment and even beyond your career. Once you’re in that mindset, opportunities open up to you.
For a great example of the importance of mindset in progression, listen to Professor Damian Hughes, organisational psychologist, host of the High Performance Podcast and author of 8 best-selling books, talk about the importance of attitude over talent when he joined us on the Progressing Lives Podcast.
How do I develop and maintain a mindset for success?
1. Accept what you can’t control.
Understand the challenges that come with the job and prepare for them from day one. Don’t wait for your first knock-back to start investing time in developing a resilient mindset; be proactive and consider contingencies. What are you going to do if a placement doesn’t go your way? How are you going to find the next candidate if your best option decides not to go ahead?
Accepting that things may not go your way means preparing for the eventuality that they won’t. And that can be as simple as ensuring you have access to wellbeing support to help you through the disappointing times. At Amoria Bond, we have a dedicated wellbeing hub with regularly updated materials that help our employees look after their mental and physical health – from wellness playlists to advisory information and much more.
2. Develop your skills
While you can’t ever guarantee that things will always go your way, you can ensure that you’re doing everything you can to make it happen.
Accepting what you can’t control doesn’t mean ignoring the things you can control. Find resources that will help you improve your skills in recruitment, relationship management and job qualification. At Amoria Bond, our award-winning training and development programme is built to help all our employees progress. And with benefits like a monthly book club and annual training allowance, plus 1,000s of expert-led video training modules available through the Amoria Bond Academy, our recruiters have all the tools they could possibly want to hone their skills and ensure that they can constantly improve.
3. Be clear about what you want to achieve.
When things don’t go your way, you can start to focus in on the difficulties and lose sight of what you were hoping to achieve in the first place. By remembering what brought you into this career, to begin with, you can reset yourself and bring back some positivity.
At Amoria Bond, our recruiters start their training by creating vision boards of everything they want to achieve. Revisiting these helps them track their goals and reassess what’s most important to them – even when things aren’t going their way.
Ready to put your mindset for success to the test?
Join Amoria Bond and learn from the best. Our recruiters are all encouraged to embrace the mindset for success and continuously learn to improve their own skills. Our commitment to progressing the lives of our employees is reflected in our training & development programme that’s focused on helping our recruiters ascend our “10 steps to the top”. And our success in progressing our employees’ careers is why we’ve won “Best Recruitment Company To Work For” at every major industry awards.
Find out more about our culture #InsideAmoria and how you can join our team.