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How Do We Train Our Specialist Recruiters?

6 minutes

Being a good employer goes beyond offering fruit baskets and health benefits; employees want...

Being a good employer goes beyond offering fruit baskets and health benefits; employees want to feel valued and supported by their company. That’s why companies invest more in their learning and development (L&D) programmes, leading to a global market size of 383.14 billion dollars in 2023, which is expected to grow to 400.94 billion dollars in 2024, representing a CAGR of 4.6% 

At Amoria Bond, we believe that best service can only be delivered by experts who are receiving ongoing, high-value training. We value the progress of our staff and that’s why we have our own award-winning L&D specialists who provide tailored training to our recruitment teams every day.  

No matter if trainee or experienced employee - everyone can learn and develop professionally and personally in our ever-evolving interactive training programmes.


Why is L&D in Recruitment Important? 

From an employer perspective the recruitment industry is by nature fast paced and competitive, resulting in lower retention rates compared to other industries. In addition, recruitment is highly dynamic with frequent changes in hiring trends. So, employee development is deciding for recruitment organizations to enable their workforce to be successful in this roller coaster ride. 

As a recruiterit’s crucial to develop both soft and hard skills, which is why having an employer who offers Learning and Development (L&D) initiatives tailored to your specific role is so valuable. These initiatives not only contribute to your professional growth but also demonstrate that your employer cares about your development and believes in your potential. Moreover, a strong L&D culture significantly enhances the onboarding process, helping new employees integrate more quickly and effectively into the company culture. It also helps in identifying skill gaps during recruitment, allowing for targeted training programs to bridge these gaps effectively. 

Data from LinkedIn Learning suggests that employees who receive internal training and development are more likely to be promoted and feel a stronger connection with the organization, as demonstrated in the graphic below.  

Furthermore, L&D initiatives promote innovation by encouraging employees to acquire new knowledge and apply it creatively in their roles. This culture of continuous learning and agility not only enhances job satisfaction and performance but also positions the workforce to better adapt to industry changes through reflection and helps the organization to remain competitive. As a result, L&D becomes a win-win situation for both employers and employees, fostering growth, bonding, and sustained success. 

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The Future of L&D in Recruitment 

L&D has definitely evolved over the years, with the introduction of hybrid models, online classes, and the rise of gamification. Additionally, one-to-one training sessions have become popular again in the recruitment industry after COVID-19, reflecting a renewed focus on personalized development. Gamification, in particular, has gained attention, especially among Millennial and Gen Z workers, who appreciate systems of quick rewards and fun competition. According to the University of Technology Sydney, gamification in L&D offers several benefits, including increased engagement, enhanced learning retention, instant feedback, and fostering healthy competition. Looking ahead, the future of Learning and Development in recruitment will likely continue to embrace these interactive and personalized approaches. 

As LinkedIn Learning highlighted, key focus areas for 2024 include improving learner engagement, helping employees develop their careers, upskilling employees, and creating a culture of learning. Additional topics that not solely touch L&D are DEI, employee well-being, and the support of employees through organisational change which aligns with the necessary adaptability for recruiters navigating in this ever-changing industry landscape. 

At Amoria Bond, we are committed to ensuring our training is interactive, realistic, and continuously evolving to meet these future demands, making learning more enjoyable and effective for our team. 


Amoria Bond’s L&D Recruitment Programme and Tips 

Our Programme 

The first 6 months of a recruiter at Amoria Bond will be focused on intensive training. Amoria Bond’s training for trainees is divided into three learning phases to prepare recruiters for a successful career. Based on the identified skills by the board of directors in collaboration with our L&D specialists, trainees are required to take a skills assessment to determine their level and learning pace. It helps us personalise and optimise training and ensure effectiveness. 

Our L&D experts have developed a training academy which is based on several pillars. Starting with knowledge - our Learning Management System (LMS) platform provides everyone with online content to familiarize with a specific topic. This content not only includes specific training content from our L&D team but also testimonials and knowledge transfer from our experienced recruiters as a form of best-practice examples. 

To achieve understanding and let everyone try out in a safe environment we provide about 40 classroom trainings. These classroom trainings range from building your market, need analysis, negotiation to interview management. In a next stage we support our trainees on the job with group and individual coaching sessions on the phone. We want our recruiters to apply their skills and development as soon as possible on the work floor so they can gain quickly experience in the field.  

As we believe in ongoing learning, we obviously provide advanced training programmes up to leadership trainings which our recruiters benefit from. Above that, we invite guest speakers to transfer recruitment knowledge and give every employee an annual development budget for continuous growth. 

Measuring the effectiveness of your training is as important as the training itself. At Amoria Bond, we implement various measurement tools on top of only productivity. We conduct monthly analyses with their managers based on KPIs, assessment of hard and soft skills, and LMS progression. Our training and coaching are then adapted accordingly to the progress of the recruiter to motivate and help them grow their career as a recruiter. 


The Dos for Recruiters 

Learning and development plays a critical role in the career of a recruiter. To ensure the best results, here are a few tips and tricks for trainees: 

  • Set short (1-3 months) and long-term (1-3 years) goals for your progression 
  • Ask yourself: What are your goals and expectations for today and beyond? 

  • Make your goals SMART 

  • Be self-reflective and honest about your performance. 

  • Focus on yourself 
  • Especially in recruiting people have different backgrounds 

  • Be confident to set goals adjusted to your experience and learning pace. 

  • It is demotivating to compare yourself to others and set unrealistic goals because of it. 

  • Prepareach day is the key to success: 
  • Who will you call tomorrow? 

  • Think about a goal for each action (from little ones such as a single call or your whole business strategy) 

  • Celebrate small successes 
  • Every small progression is a giant leap forward 

  • Instead of only celebrating deals, celebrate that you gained information, booked a meeting or that you pitched the way you planned to. 

  • Constantly reflect your actions 
  • What did I say or do? 

  • What was the outcome of my actions? Did I achieve the outcome I wanted? 

  • What can I do differently next time?  

  • What can I improve? 

  • Simply try out! 

  • Adopt a growth mindset 

  • learn from best practice examples 

  • Try to improve everytime and be persistent 

  • Keep going! 

Recruitment is a hardworking job that takes time to build a network. Our experienced and successful recruiters have spent years on building their network to find the best candidates possible, which is the result of patience and hard work. 


Progress Your Life with Amoria Bond 

Amoria Bond is an award-winning recruitment company that strives to provide the best service possible to our clients while creating a supportive and inclusive culture for our employees. We believe in our staff, which is why we create as many career growth opportunities as possible.  

Do you want to learn more about our culture and L&D efforts? Contact us today or apply via our website to learn more about the development opportunities, benefits and culture at Amoria Bond.